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Important Dates:

05/03/99 12:01AM -- TPM Toys go on sale at Toys'R'us in Azusa
- Boy was that fun, tons of people were there.
I picked up some SW:TPM legos but that's it. By the
time I left at 12:30 all the figures were gone already.
05/04/99 -- TPM Soundtrack goes on sale
- No crowds for this one, Blockbuster Music had
a good number of cd's still. I got my copy anyways.
05/12/99 12:00PM -- TPM Tickets go on sale
- I called for over 4 hours but eventually got tickets
for the 10:30PM show just like I planned. Check back here later,
I'm sure we will have extras for sale for those less fortunate.
05/18/99 06:30PM -- We leave to go to TPM
- Welp we didn't end up leaving till about 6:45 or 7:00 but
fortunetly some went down a head of us and started in line. We
ended up being the very FIRST people in line for the 10:30 show. We
had a blast waiting in line.
05/19/99 12:01AM -- TPM Opens in the Pacific time zone
- And the chaos begins! It's really that bad except for
those stupid trekkies!
05/19/99 10:30PM -- We will be watching TPM
- Four Words: Frick that was AWESOME


Yahoo News(mirror) - Nona Dominguez was quoted about half way thourgh
Times Calander Section(mirror) - A picture of Josh, Elizabeth, & Miguel. It's the third picture down.
Userfriendly Comic Strip - Strip 1 - Strip 2 - Strip 3 - Strip 4 - Strip 4
Don't know where this comic came from, but it's good.


May 10-I have confirmed tickets will be available at the box office and at the two 323 numbers.
It may not however be on the webpage or the 777-FILM number, I'm not sure.
May 12- If you need tickets e-mail I can't make any promises but I'll give it my
best shot. Also if you are going down with me or meeting us there, I can't stress enough how
important it is that you e-mail me so that I know you are coming.
May 13- I talked to my Dad last night. He went to buy tickets at the AMC Covina 30. He said
that when we went, sometime in the afternoon, that only the midnight showing was sold out.
So you can probably still get tickets there.
May 17- I picked up a bunch of the tickets on Saturday, yippee! Today I will be at the
Burger King in Azusa from 12:15-1:00pm for lunch and any questions you might have. I will
also be in IRC tonight from 8-9pm on channel #swtpm on ircserver
May 18- If you are coming down late. We will have a white lightsaber with flag with a Z on it.
Also I will be wearing a white "Linux: Don't fear the Penguins" shirt till tomorrow morning.
Then I will be wear a white "Zcentral" shirt tomorrow. C-ya there and remember we
are only promise to save seats on a 1 to 1 ratio(ie for every one person in line early we will
save one addition seat for someone else).
May 20- Things went great. We all had a wonderful time. As soon as I get a chance I will be writing
the chronology(including a few pics) of our experience and most likely will move this page
May 21- Myself, James, Don, Sharon, J.R., & Dave saw TPM again.
May 24- Okay I've made the move to instead of I've also finally put up the pictures
I took. I have three more from Jared that I haven't scanned yet, but they will be here eventually.
May 25- Put up the links section with some fun comics and the news links that we found.