1998's Surgery Log: 8-4-1998

1998's Surgery Log: 8-4-1998

This heat wave must end! It is like over 100 degrees where I live :(. Anyways, I went to a physical theraphy today at USC physical therapy department to start exercising my improved jaw. It was not too bad, but the bad part was waking up very early. I had to wake up at 5:00 AM to get ready to leave. Hey, at least there was no traffic, had a cool weather, and I was tired during the exercise so time flew fast. The kind female physician massaged and did other little exercises with my jaw. I have to do this a lot with myself at home as well. It is not too bad. I just hope I don't break something, teehee. I have to visit the physician for other exercises every week for 12 weeks. Geez, that sounds long. I still have to take my eye drops (gel) everyday for my right eye. It blurs my eye easily. Argh.

Got home and surf the net. Since I only got 4 hours of sleep, I went napping for four hours. Ahhhhh, Much better now. :) I finally ate a banana. Mmm, miss that fruit! :P Time to go back to my Netting. :)

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