1998's Surgery Log: 8-22-1998

1998's Surgery Log: 8-22-1998

Argh, the weather got hot again. :( I got myself a new toy to play with for my "improved mouth". It is called The Therabite. Its Web site has interesting pictures and instructions. Check it out if you are interested on how I use this new toy.

Dang, this device was expensive for the crazy price)! At least it was worth spending. At first, I was suspicious about this toy. :P It actually did work. I even got an eight minutes cheesy video tape about it. I felt like watching an infomerical. I said screw that and find out from my favorite place, the Internet. Oh heck yeah, it was a lot interesting finding information from there :).

I can open my mouth in less than 10 minutes with The Therabite. Before using it, I can only get about 1.5 of my fingers in my mouth (from my lower teeth to my upper gum -- remember my is jaw is small). After using The Therabite, I can get two fingers in there, barely. Dang, that is a big difference there. Physcial theraphy that I was going to took a lot longer. I might be able to stop going there if approved by my doctor next week. I hope so. I'd rather use the new toy now :).

No more using my tired and tortured fingers to open my mouth. All that time, I made holes (no blood) on my poor fingers by those sharp teeth! It is frustrating, tiring, and painful using my fingers. Now with this toy, I don't need to worry about it. It is so easy to use. I love to feel my mouth opening with this device and listening to one of my favorite songs by Mr. President's Take Me to the Limit. :D I wonder if I can 2.5 fingers in a few weeks? What do you think? I do have to be careful not to overdo it or else I might become a broken ant :(.

Woah, scary! Tomorrow, the 23rd, will mark one month anniversary since my major surgery. Time flies too fast! Scary! [Plays a spooky song.] [Sigh] My nerves are still not back on the right side of my face. They still must be under construction. :(

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