Hello there! Welcome to the overlord's personal Web site in cyberspace
where all virtual ants roam. You are now sitting with other fellow
Internet surfers to hear about Ant as the ant leader of this cyberspace
home. So you want to know more, eh? OK(ay), you asked for it. Be warned
that it can be silly/funny, (in)accurate, weird/odd/strange,
too much info(rmation) (TMI)/details, boring, too long, etc. So read at
your own risk! Oh and if this gets boring, just quietly leave while
others are listening, er reading (oops, you are not listening since ants
do not speak verbally).
- Names: Ant(Dude; not 92), /| n t, Squirrel, a city name and its citizen, Tiny Tim, etc.
- Male and virgin de-alate ant (when not working)/female worker
ant like when working as shown in the resume/curriculum vitae (CV), portfolio, and LinkedIn.
- Straight/Heterosexual (not g(ay/hey)). Basically, a dude or dudette (see above).
- Long ANTenna(s/e), small mandibles, six/6 legs, etc.
- Many species, but mostly a lazy AmericANT (a lot) [male de-alate] and Chinese (speak and hear very little, but don't read and write). Also, red color and not yellow!
- Christian (ready to die for Him, especially with a red shirt :)). "Go to the ant, you sluggard..."
- Lived in a test tube and eclosed near a big apple and "Made in China". Currently lives near a lone/twin pine(s) area and the heights.
- Have and born with multiple disabilities with multiple syndromes.
- Horoscope: Capricorn.
- Communicates in English as a Chinese species.
- The Year of the Rabbit/Wabbit/Bunny (Yin Wood
Element; not a dragon as originally told by parents)
in the Chinese Horoscope/Zodiac.
Ant's Current Favorites in No Particular Order:
Color: Red.
Number/#: 8
(Film/Movie)s (click here for currently owned discs):
Current (not all of them are shown at the same time due to slowness,
breaks, seasons, haitus, dead, whatever, and have new episodes recently, etc.) Television/T.V./Telly and
Online Video Shows/Series Excluding Mini-Series:
- 1A4 Studio (not all videos)
- 5facts (not all videos)
- The 8-bit Big Band (not all episodes)
- The 8-Bit Guy (not all episodes)
- Aaron's Animals' videos on YouTube.
- Abandoned Films (not all)
- Action Movie Kid (and his Dad for extras)
- Ahoy (not all episodes)
- AI and Games (a few of them like the favorite video games)
- Algal the Bard (some of them)
- Andor
- Ant Lab (not of all them including ants)
- AntsCanada (not all videos)
- Anwar Jibawi.
- Auralnauts (not all episodes)
- AVbyte -- not all episodes.
- Awkward Spaceship (not all sketches)
- Bad Lip Reading -- not all of them.
- BAHFest's YouTube videos (not all).
- BastichB 64K's Video Game Documentaries (not all episodes)
- Behind Closed Doors (a few episodes)
- BirgirPall only for "I Broke" game video series and not all of them.
- Blooper Vids (not all of them).
- Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff of modern/recent video games. Did not watch all.
- The Book of Boba Fett.
- Boston Dynamics (some vidoes)
- Boundary Break (not all of them)
- Brian Anderson
- Brian Monarch's Deepfakes (most of them)
- Bug Mugzak
- Buttered Side Down
- C.G.P. Grey -- "Complex things explained." (not all episodes watched)
- CaptainDisillusion (not all episodes)
- Carbot Animations' YouTube channel (not all episodes like StarCraft).
- Cartoonartist Music / Idan Schneide (not all videos)
- Cinefix (not all of them)
- Cinema Sins (not all of them).
- CinemaWins (not all of them)
- CineMash (not all of them).
- Cinemassacre (also on YouTube (#1, #2, extras, and Movie Location Tours) with online videos (not all episodes) for reviews, rants, discussions, etc. with cussings and humor.
- (not all episodes).
- Composers Play (not many)
- Codex (not all of them)
- Commercial Sins (not all of them)
- Cosmos: Possible Worlds
- "Could You Survive the Movies?" playlists from seasons 1 and 2. Most of them.
- Daniel Ibbertson's Slopes Game Room (not all videos)
- Daniel LaBelle and his Plus (most of the videos)
- Data Is Beautiful (not all)
- Deep Look (not all)
- Dorkly's YouTube channel (not all)
- G(A/V)MERS (not all)
- Lindsay Ellis (not all of them)
- Defunctional's YouTube channel (not all videos)
- Device Orchestra (not all)
- Did You Know Food (not all videos).
- Did You Know Gaming?: #1 and #2 (not all of them)
- Direct & Dominate (D&D)'s YouTube channel.
- Discarded Image (not all of them)
- The Dor Brothers (some of them)
- DOS Nostalgia (not all videos)
- Dumb Drum's YouTube channel for most of its sweded videos.
- DVDXtras (some)
- Engineer Reaction (not all episodes)
- EngineerGuy (Bill Hammack)'s YouTube videos (not all them)
- Epic NPC Man
- Epic Rap Battles (also on YouTube -- not all of them are there). Did not watch all of its videos.
- ExplosmEntertainment -- Cyanide & Happiness (not all of them and some are bad and (dirt/raunch)y.
- Every Frame a Painting (not all of them).
- Experts React (some of them)
- Extreme Decent (not all episodes)
- Family Guy (later seasons only)
- FanARose (most videos)
- Fatawesome's YouTube video channel (not all episodes)
- FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras
- Foundation
- For All Mankind
- Frank Buckley Interviews (a few of them)
- FreddieW(ong) for video shorts with special effects. Also, some behind the scenes in his #2 channel.
- Free High-Quality Documentaries (a few of them)
- Freeman's Mind
- FungBrosComedy (not all episodes)
- Futurama
- Game Sack (not all episodes).
- GakAttack and its second channel (not all videos).
- Game Theorists (not all of them; mostly Game Theory)
- Game Developer Conference's YouTube (mostly postmortems of old games).
- Gaming History Source: YouTube and DailyMotion (less videos and slower to post) Watch most of its Let's Compare videos.
- GameSpot's History of Games playlists: Seasons 1 and 2 (not all of them).
- Gaming Historian (not all of them).
- Geico's YouTube channel (not all of them).
- Girlfriends' Reviews (some of them)
- Google Doodles (not all)
- Grey's Anatomy
- Guinness World Records with its YouTube videos (not all of them)
- Half-Life SFX (most of them)
- Hardcore Gaming 101 (not all episodes)
- Heavy Metal Gamer (not all reviews and lots of cussings).
- Hildegard von Blingin' (most/some videos)
- The Hillywood Show's YouTube channel (not all of them).
- History Buffs (not all episodes)
- Homestar Runner's Flash animations are also on YouTube. Not all of them.
- Honest Trailers for video games(dead?) and movies and tel(ly/evision)/TV s(how/erie)s.
- How It Should Have Ended, on YouTube from movies, stories, video games, etc. Not all episodes.
- I.M.P.S. (Imperial Military Personnel Stories) The Rentless (also on YouTube).
- Icons Unearthed: ... (not all of them)
- ImmersionsVFX (not all of them)
- Important Looking Pirates (not all of them)
- Improv Everywhere
- Indigo Gaming (not all of them)
- Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)'s YouTube channel.
- Interdimensional TV (not all)
- Inventors | PBS Digital Studios (not all of them)
- Ismahawk on YouTube: #1 and #2 (not all videos).
- It's Okay To Be Smart (not all of them)
- Jambe Davdar's videos on YouTube and Vimeo on mostly his documentaries and behind the scenes.
- James Farr (only his animated videos)
- JCG (The Joy of Computer Gaming) - The Unique Games: Complete and Incomplete.
- JoBlo's YouTube channel (not all videos).
- Jordan H.J.'s The Making Of...'s YouTube videos: Seasons #1 and #2. Some of them.
- Josh Gad (most of them)
- kaptainkristian's video essays.
- Keyush Animation
- Knight Rider Official (not all)
- Kurzgesagt (not all of them, but all ant episodes)
- The Last of Us
- Lessons from the Screenplay (not all episodes)
- LegalEagle (not all of them).
- Lazy Game Reviews (LGR) and its Blerbs. Not all episodes.
- Level UP (not all of them)
- Loki
- LOL ComediHa! (most of them)
- Long Story Short
- LORE In A Minute! (not all of them).
- LUMOS Orchestra (not all of them).
- Masters of Illusion
- MajamiHiroz (not all videos).
- The Mandalorian and its Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian.
- Mark R. Largent (not all of them)
- Mashed (not all videos)
- Math Class Trick Videos
- Matt's Chat (not all episodes)
- Matt Skuta's Side-by-Side Videos (not all of them)
- MatthewPatrick13 for some of its Game Theories (not all of them).
- Metal Jesus Rocks (not all episodes)
- Minty Comedic Arts (not all episodes)
- Minuscule
- Minute Earth (not all episodes)
- FandangoNOW Extras (not all movies).
- Modern Classic (not all of them)
- Monster Bug Wars (not all of them)
- Movies That Made Us (not all of them)
- Mr.TVCow
- The Muppets (some of them)
- Music Video Sins (not all of them).
- Nerd Nite's YouTube channel and Vimeo. Not all of them.
- Nerdwriter1 (not all of them).
- Next Media Animation (NMA) (English audio instead of English texts) for sometimes funny animated news from Taiwan. Not all are seen.
- Nick Murray Willis's YouTube channel on "ANIMATED - AUDIO Mash Ups! Giving sound from sports, movies and TV a new life."
- NicksplosionFX (not all of them).
- Noclip and its History Archive (not all episodes)
- NormalBoots (not all episodes)
- Nostalgia Critic (not all of the episodes; also on YouTube (#1 and #2) and Vimeo)
- Nostalgia Nerd (not all episodes)
- Nukazooka (not all of them)
- On-Disc Special Feature Historian (some of them)
- Only Leight (not all of them).
- Order of the Good Death & Ask a Mortician
- The Orville
- OwlKitty (most of them).
- Ozzy Man Reviews's funny YouTube videos (some of them).
- PatmanQC History of Arcade Game Documentaries and Everything Retro (not all of them from both channels)
- Paweł Zadrożniak for some of his Floppotron music videos.
- The Penguin
- Penn & Teller: Fool Us
- Peacemaker (HBO Max and WarnerBro(thers) [WB])
- PhilsComputerLab's YouTube channel (not all episodes)
- The Piano Guys' YouTube channel of their music skits/sketches.
- Pitch Meetings (some of them)
- The Pixel Kingdom
- Pixel Nation
- Pixar SparkShorts
- Pixelmusement's YouTube channel on old personal computer (PC) disk operating system (DOS) games. Watched a few videos since there were too many and long.
- Play Noggin (not all episodes)
- Postmodern Jukebox and its YouTube channel (not all of them)
- Prime Orchestra's YouTube videos (a few of them)
- Professionals Play Games (not all of them)
- Rafa Reels (most of them)
- The Real Life Peter Griffin (most of them, but all of Grinds My Gears)
- Reshoots -- Then and Now (not all of them)
- Retro Reels (not all of them)
- Retrosutra (not all of them)
- Retroware TV (not all episodes)
- Rise and Fall (not all of them)
- RoboCop Archive's YouTube channel (not all videos)
- RocketJump and its #2. Not all of them.
- Rollin' Wild
- Sesame Street (only some spoofs/parodies, specific humans, behind the scenes, etc.)
- Screen Junkies' YouTube channel (not all of them)
- ScreenCrush's videos on YouTube (not all of them).
- Simon's Cat on YouTube (most episodes). Also, extras (a few).
- The Simpsons (should be all episodes since Tracey Ullman's short days)
- SoKrispyMedia and its extras. Videos, with special/visual effects by teenagers.
- SoundWorks' Vimeo videos showing "... profiles of the sound world" for recent films/movies.
- South Park (also on YouTube; not all and skip the "sewer"/dirty ones)
- Squirrel-Monkey on YouTube.
- Star Wars Explained (not all of them).
- Star Wars: The Bad Batch
- Star Wars: Visions (most episodes)
- StudioADI (Amalgamated Dynamics Incorporated) [not all of them]
- Statistics and data (not all of them)
- Story Mode (not many).
- The Story You Never Knew (not all episodes and also has cussings)
- Stranger Things
- Stupid Game Show Answers (not all of them).
- Supervoid Cinema (not all of them)
- System47 • meWho (not all)
- Talks at Google (not all of them).
- Technology Connections and Connextras (not all of them)
- Theme Park History (not all of them).
- Then & Now (not all of them).
- Then VS. Now! - The Evolution of Cartoons (not all of them).
- THENvsNOW (not all of them)
- There I Ruined It (not all of them)
- The Tommy Edison Experience (not all of them)
- Top 2000 a gogo (some of them)
- 'That Built' Documentaries (not all of them)
- Toys That Made Us (some of them)
- Tripp and Tyler -- Funny parodies. Did not watch all though.
- True Facts (not all of them)
- TV Sins (not all of them)
- Versus (not all episodes).
- Vox's YouTube channel (not all videos)
- Vudu (not all videos)
- War Stories (not all of them).
- Weird Al's YouTube channels: VEVO and alyankovic
- Valve News Network (not all of them)
- Viva La Dirt League (not all of them)
- The Wade Empire (most of them)
- The Warp Zone (not all of them)
- Weird History (half of them)
- What If...? Marvel and Disney+.
- Whose Line Is It Anyway?
- The Winglet (most of them)
- Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty
- WTMRecut (most of them)
- Yellow Medusa (some of them)
- Your_Kryptonite7
- Zach King on YouTube (#1 and #2).
- Many other online videos especially random ones from VideoSift (not all of them and using filters) and many other online sources.
- Various interesting documentaries.
Music Types and Songs:
- Techno, trance, dance, (19)80s, other genres that are good to your
overlord's ears, uhhh (antenna/feeler)s. View this song list for the favorite songs.
- You can also download and listen to other songs from The Ant Farm's Music File Room.
Computer and Video Games: Try looking in here.
Radio (rarely listen to music since 95% of the songs are
- Local English news stations, mostly for news and traffic reports
(long Los Angeles (L.A.) commutes suck).
- Christian sermons (Insight for Living (Pastor Chuck Swindoll) [not all of them
like parenting, marriage, etc.], Whittier Area Community
Church, etc. Rarely go to church in person these days compared to teenage and college days due to BUSY lives.
Sports (only watch (not the whole game most of the times) and care
when they do well -- yes, a bandwagoner!):
Notes: Used to drink a lot of sodas, but avoid them these days due to their high sugar levels. Hate
alcohol (even cocktails) for its taste even if there is juice that
makes this insect want to vomit. Don't like coffee even its odor.
- Ensure -- chocolate
flavor (to keep the insect's health and nutrients balanced)
- fruit juice (various like apple, but don't like orange, lemonade, and apple cider)
- Lipton Brisk and Green Tea Citrus Ice Tea
- milk (regular, low-fat, and chocolate)
- water (aka "wadder"/"warter" that people hear)
- V-8
Food (non-spicy [even minor one bugs], not too salty (burns) and much glucose/sugar due to old body's level, blended/soft without
chewing; simple too):
- apple (thin slices)
- banana (cut to thin slices)
- beefs (tiny and soft like Korean barbeque (BBQ)'s bulgogi)
- biscuit
- bologna
- bread (bun/roll) [soft parts -- if crusts are hard, don't want]
- burrito skin (soft and moist skin, but inside is not eaten due to hardness)
- cake
- carrot (soft)
- cereal (soften by regular whole/2% milk, not crunchy)
- cheddar cheese
- chicken (Maceo's aunts :P)
- chicken salad (soft -- almost like tuna salad)
- Chinese lion heads, dim sums, dumplings, and wontons (not fried like potstickers)
- chips
- cookies (can be moisten)
- corn (kernels already removed from plant/ear)
- corn dog
- curry
- soft cracker (can be moisten)
- egg (custard too), from chickens (scrambled, sunny side up/fried, and boiled [makes abdomen go poopy])
- enchilada (soft, non-spicy, lots of sauce, and like lasagna)
- fish (bones are problems since due to lack of chewing; salmon is good)
- fish and chip (don't usually eat the crust unless it's soft)
- French toast (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
- fruits (soft) except strawberries, cherries, and watermelon (allergic)
- grape
- grilled cheese (soft breads)
- hot dog (has to be soft enough to be cuttable)
- Jell-o/jello -- There's always room for it.
- lasagna
- macaroni and cheese
- potato (smash with its sauce, sweet, soft, etc.)
- meat balls like in spaghettis, Subway, Chinese, etc.
- meat loaf
- mushroom
- noodles (soft; e.g., udon)
- oatmeal (non-raw)/porridge
- omele(tte)
- pancake (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
- pasta
- peach with its juice
- pea
- pineapple (cut into thin slice to make them soft)
- pizza (soft crust)
- pudding
- pumpkin pie
- pupusa (soft and moist)
- quesadilla (soft and inside is moist like Islands Restaurants' version with cheese cream(?)
inside and soft cover).
- raisin
- ravioli
- rice with moisture (water/soup) and other food on it (don't like plain rice by itself).
- risotto
- sandwich (no lettuce and tomatoes)
- scallop (soft)
- seaweed (in soup)
- spaghetti
- spinach (to be strong like Popeye and be able to do melees)
- sushi (salmon teriyaki, shrimp tempura [not too many or else get
sick with a headache, upset tummy, etc.] with miso soup, sashimis,
rice, etc.)
- tofu
- tortilla (soft and moist without the inside due to hardness)
- tuna salad (almost like chicken salad)
- turkey
- waffle (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive
- sweet potato (not yam)
- etc. Any soft, usually moist (warm water usually do), and
non-spicy (even a little have impacts) food that your overlord can
eat. Avoids very sweet and cold drinks and food due to sensitive,
broken, and hard to clean teeth (use two different tooth pastes and oral
Ant's defective mouth doesn't open wide and cannot chew very well. :(
Click here to see past and current computer systems and consoles that Ant owned.