Jungle ][
J2 DOOM Picture #1
A monkey player dying.
J2 DOOM Picture #2
Banana war!
J2 DOOM Picture #3
3/Three stooges on Gilligan's island?
J2 DOOM Picture #4
Banana kills >:).
It is wacky! It is hilarious with funny and bizarre items and actions.

Click on a number to see an enhanced screen shot with Doomsday/jDoom (#1, #2, #3, #4, and #5). You can watch a four minutes and 24 seconds recording on YouTube (high quality and blurry). You can also download a 15.2 MB zip file of the recording in FLV format.

MIDI soundtrack of its theme song created by Grungy (passed away in early 2012 due to cancer :~()

Da Kills
Da Kills Picture #1
Guys clearing out the cafeteria.

Da Kills Picture #2
Ooo, a dark room!
Da Kills Picture #3 Co-op(erative) play! It is for players who want serious play instead of deathmatch (DM). It includes a short, interactive story. The only way to find out the whole story is by playing!

Click on a number to see an enhanced screen shot with Doomsday/jDoom (2001): #1, #2, and #3.

Three demonstrations/demos, with spoilers, are in this modification/mod but only watchable with v1.9 in DOS and other DOOM emulators.

The blurry/low quality (LQ) videos were captured and uploaded on YouTube for both levels: #1 and #2. Watch the high quality (HQ) of all three combined parts (gameplays only, no menus) and with music/sound tracks on YouTube.

Long DMs:
Combined on YouTube. Splitted: Almost 29 minutes levels 1 and 2 and a six minutes level 2 (both are on YouTube). You can also download a 82.7 MB zip file, with all three videos (FLV files), to watch locally.



Read the description or download the 1.1 MB zip file (mirror with comments and others) and/or 3.2 MB compiled zipped J2DOOM.WAD for DOOM 2 v1.9/compatible emulator.

Read the description or download the 1.3 MB zip file (mirror with comments and others) and/or 2.3 MB zipped compiled DKSPRITE.WAD for DOOM 2 v1.9/compatible emulator.

These files, images, etc. can be found on Mod DB as well. These screen shots and recorded movies were done on The Jungle II Online (gone :(). If you don't have DOS, then you will need to find a DOS emulator (e.g., DOSBox) or another DOOM emulator/loader (e.g., Doomsday should work with limitations and PrBoom+). You still need to create custom PWAD files with the provided EXE files OR download the compiled PWAD files.

Return to The Ant Farm's Game Tunnels or go to the Directory Roomwith a 
magnify glass if you are lost.

Last Updated: 11-10-2023.