More Ant-Related Pictures
Last Updated: 12-15-2024
Comic Strips, Paintings, Drawings, and Photo(graph)s:
- Fire ants.
- Ant Colony Zoom comic strip. Thanks Tarzan (remove ANT to e-mail).
- The Different Types of Ants in an Ant Colony.
- Hail Ants!
- A Skeleton Claw comic strip of ants.
- nate_fakes' comic strips: #1, #2 (after your overlord making an ant request), and #3.
- Getting Antsy show a few comic strips.
- Beatrice The Biologist: Ant Comics. Thanks engwinner.
- The Ant and the Carrot including a fox, bee, a human gardener, and more ants.
- imaplatypus_arts' cute Instagram comic strip.
- Safely Endagered's comic strip with an ant.
- Berkeley Mews's comic strips: #1, #2 (moving ants comic strip on its Instagram and official web site), and #3.
- BugHouze's Ant Hill with cartoons.
- "Ants stumble into an Antlion’s trap, a collage I stumbled upon".
- sweetcornandlettuce's comic strip.
- Ant cartoons for Arastirmaci Cocuk Merkezi.
- An Instagram comic strip titled "Star Trek for Ants - throwback
. Seen on Reddit.
- In Their Nature's Instagram comic strip showing "On Fire".
- Evelyn Bracklow Paints Frighteningly Realistic Ants on Antique Glazed China.
- Ant Wind Farm
- Bad Dad Cartoons 101's Joke of the Day # 270.
- Robin Moline's The Ant Farm Gallery.
- Kool-Ants: "Oh, noooooo!!"
- Doctored photos with captions, ratings, and comments:
- A funny and sad Rock Paper Cynic comic strip on squishing ants...
- Buni's comic strips: #1 and #2.
- Bling Bling Ant and ants with diamond rings: Ants love diamonds too.
- A gr(a/e)y scale drawing showing a screaming human face covered by ants. Seen on Reddit.
- Inktober Day 29 Massive. Thanks Hystrix (remove ANT to e-mail).
- A huge cartoon showing two red ants doing construction planning.
- Andertoons have a couple comic strips.
- GoComics shows a bunch of comic strips showing "Ants Ruin Everything In These Picnic Comics".
- Todd and Penguin's comic strip: "Number 10 Penguin vs. the ants. (Original publish date : Augst 7, 2001) ..."
- Poorly Drawn Lines' comic strip about ants on moon.
- A Zack & Zack comic strip of Ant-Hands ("Handsy").
- The Incredible Ant-Man
- A Sunny Street comic strip.
- Exorcism Ant.
- Lemon Sandwich's comic strip with an ant revenge.
- A Frank & Ernst comic strip showing Anthill, Inc.
- A Minimumble comic strip on ants carrying ten/10 times their own weight...
- Yogi Ant: A Sketches in Stillness comic strip. Thanks Grifter (remove ANT to e-mail).
- A leaf-cutter worker ant carrying a yellow jacket axe: "Insect Warrior". Seen on here.
- A drawing of a carpenter construction ant literally.
- A Sunny Street comic strip.
- A comic strip titled "The optimistic ant."
- Archimedes the Fire Ant.
- Sim Ant.
- Free Ant Gifs - Animated Ant Clipart.
- "Ant Jar" drawing.
- Ant train to sustenance! -- "Lining up for sustenance, The ant will seek out all leftover. They leave nothing behind and they hardly waste anything! Human can learn a thing or two from this miniature wonderment of nature."
- "Ants" in Jantoo Cartoons.
- Brevity's comic strips related to ants: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6.
- Bulldog Ant.
- Santa Theory.
- Honey I shrunk the world: Photographer's amazing images of ANTS living like humans.
- A drawing of "Army Ant Tattoo-take 3 (AK) -- mechanical pencil 8.5 x 11in paper, final draft of tattoo friend wanted of an army ant with an AK47, part of a band/trail..."
- A gray-scale comic strip showing ants conversing during work.
- "Illegal ImmigrAnts..." Thanks The Sydney Morning Herald and antmaniac.
- A daily comic strip (1/9/2013) with ants with Simon's Cat.
- Twaggies' comic strip of ants in a kitchen and Spanish.
- Ant Motel.
- Cupcake love comic strip with a worker ant (isn't Arthur a male name?).
- The Grasshopper and the Ant -- Climate Change...
- A Break of the Day comic strip with ants on their mound nest. Thanks Chicken.
- Bizarro has a few comic strips with ants: #1, #2, #3.
- Buni's comic strip.
- A False Knees' comic strip with a red ant.
- Things Could Be Worse's Tragedy #77: Trial by Ants comic strip. Thanks Engwinner.
- A Berkeleymews Instagram comic strip.
- The Far Side's comic strips on ants:
Stephen King's childhood ant farm,
11/7/1986 from Michelle Ann Abate,
Ant Hill Photo Op (8/5/2021),
Stephen King's childhood ant farm.
- Introvert Doodles' comic strip titled "I Can Fly".
- A funny Fake Science image on "Why Do Ants Have Feelers?"
- Bird and Moon's comic strips: #1 and #2.
- Salvador Dali's art works:
Ants on Skulls (1948),
Dali's Ants On a Chair Near A Boy (1944),
photograph of an ant on a human's neck (thanks Pigeon),
Grandmama Glady's Behind (1944).
- Daily Mail (seen on Geeky Gadgets) and The Sun show "Tasting the rainbow: The ants whose multi-coloured abdomens show exactly what they've been eating".
- Monsters Inside Me (has cussings) -- A nightmare story, with drawings, involving a male human and ants.
- Ant Piss bottle lable.
- Atomic ants on Deviantart: #1 and #2.
- Anima: warrior Ant -- A fearless ant.
- Ants vs. Termites -- "... artwork should depict a battle ..."
- Sunday Funnies: Uphill Battle.
- A colorful drawing of ants and a honey bee for kids -- "Flowers and insects for April 17, 2009 pre-school storytime."
- Poorlydrawlines' comic strip showing a worker bee and a worker ant.
- MyremecoFourmis' gallery showing ant drawings.
- Retrospective Bust of a Woman with ants on her face.
- A drawing of an ant with a man's head.
- Marquetto's drawing with a crab and ants.
- Ants are Coming: In 1968, Yener's academic painting received the first prize at the "Golden Owl" competition arranged by the Society of Turkish Painters and attracted attention abroad. The artist said: "My later endeavors took me to the ants and their lives. I observed the beauty of living together, the excitement of accomplishing hard jobs together, keeping the social order and mutual assistance at these tiny creatures."
- The First Draft...
- An ant drawing in bagdoodles' Instagram.
- Territories Series: Ant 0003 "... by mid-career Argentine artist Oscar Astromujoff, who works in an expressionist style..."
- Samantha Henneke - Blue Ant wall hanging -- "This Blue Ant wall hanging was designed by Samantha Henneke. The glaze combinationa are their unique formulation of molybdenum and matte crystalline glazes and is inpired by Samantha's love of insects."
- Red Ant -- "Ants and more ants... big, fat red ants... all over my picnic."
- Argentine ants colonizing the whole earth and steadily move across the southwest to install themselves into new habitats. Thanks Dr. Ant.
- A comic strip of ant born to be a star...
- Ants In The Pants of The Pirates of Penzance... comic strip based on the Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera.
- To The Rescue -- A funny Avengers comic strip.
- Mutant Ant -- Revenge of the ants on humans.
- Ant in a coat: Ants get cold, too.
- If you see one of these warning signs
(#1 (to ad(vertisement)s. of signs),
#5 (from All Green To Me)), #6, or even these heart leaves, then please be careful with the ants.
- The Ant Nebula from space.
Thanks Zanti Agent.
- Yukinori Yanagi's World Ant Flags. Also, see his studio with more photographs.
- FRAMEicariums: #1 and #2. YouTube has a two minutes and 12 seconds video with an interview of the artist with "FRAMEicariums". Seen on Wild About Ants and in a forum thread.
- Things in Squares' comic strip of ants and humans in reversed.
- Daino engages the daily lives of an ant colony with picket signs.
- Designboom Magazine and Gizmodo mentioned "Urban Ant City Rotterdam" by Studio 1:1. 2/Two videos on Vimeo and Etch A Sketch of an Uncle Milton's Ant Farm drawn within five hours.
- Desert Dwellers on a Fast-Food Diet -- "'Corpor Esurit,' a work by Elizabeth Demaray at Exit Art, involves red harvester ants being given an all-McDonald's diet for a month."
- Kristen Benson's Ant Farms (one photograph contains nudity): Various art installations with Ant Farm designs.
- Sci-quest: Not a real ant farm.
- The Ant Hill: Painting of a happy dancing ant on a mound of dirt overlooking a dusty plane and distant mountains.
- Psychedelic inspired painting I made for my girl. Oil on canvas 12x12" From Reddit.
- A painting of a window ant farm.
- After the Excess, the Insects -- Leaf-cutters and confetti. A short video clip is included.
- Individually Marked Ants won as Princeton University's 2005 Art of Science's third prize as a submitted imagery produced in the course of research or incorporating tools and concepts from science.
- Ants & Flowers painting.
- Gravityx9's doctored images with army ants, snails, tanks, etc.
- ReverendFun's cartoons related Christianity:
- Savage Chicken has a few comic strips with ants: #1 and #2.
- Many ant cartoons from Off the Mark.
- Kylde Morris Comic Strips: Aviation's Only Ant.
- Antrageous Antics -- "... a site that features cartoons based on the exciting lives that ants lead."
- Princess Pepper Cloud and Her Ants
- Fabio Vettori Official Site: Italian cartoons and
calendars with ant characters.
- ABM shares an old comic strip, with carpenter ants, from The Argyle Sweater.
- Comics I Don't Understand showed plumber ants.
- The Perry Bible Fellowship (has a bad word) has a comic strip on ants, earthworms, and dances. Seen in Piggy's Digg comment.
- Brevity's comic strips on ants: Two anteaters vs. an ant hill and ants at a picnic.
- From Up Here: #1 and #2) -- "Wow, ants look like people from up here..." Seen on Cheezburger and thanks WeatherAnt.
- Royalty Free Ant Illustrations by AAC Art.
- Handful of ants.
- Cool Ant.
- A clip art illustration of a cat watching ants crawl on a garden wall.
- Clipart Of A Retro Vintage Black And White Ant And Fly.
- A Clipart ants carrying wheat.
- Antenmann's Ant Farm Cake. Thanks MrILoveTheAnts.
- 3 ants carrying a cake piece.
- Two ants and other bugs.
- No beggars including crickets.
- A cheesy Antidepress Ant comic strip.
- A cartoon with giant ant people
from Cup of Suffering. Thanks Mousey.
- Leaf blower ants, Light Duty, picnic with ants, fire ants, ant hill, four worker ant cartoons, ant
hill, myrmecology, anteaters, queen ant, ant colony, fire ants, ants nest, etc. from CartoonStock.
- London's Time Cartoon Archive:
- Ant in Condolife Web comic.
- A for Ant Eater in Ants Farm.
- Two disturbing cartoons (#1 and #2)) showing ants crawling and biting a man.
- Post Apocalyptic Ants.
- Wiley's Dictionary definition of mutant from B.C. comic strip. Thanks KaT.
- Intellig Ants: An art print in poster format.
- At An Insect Party: Social insects with a grasshopper.
- A cartoon with its
caption: Sedgewick the Ant did not really appreciate the alphabetical sleeping arrangements on the ark.
Thanks Zanti Agent.
- Consumption I: A surrealistic picture of giant
ants covering a goat head.
- The Androgynous Ant -- Charcoal and pastel drawing on illustration board. Seen on Chuck Hodi.
- Ant Pair batik.
- How Do The Ants Cross
Water?" -- A drawing by Kamat.
- Territories Series: Ant: Few paintings.
- Myrmecos share "The Conference Art of Barrett Klein".
- A fairy watching leaf-cutters.
- A painting showing an illustration that was clearly meant to depict a fantasy version of Don Quixote. Seen on Once Upon a Blog....
- Turmoiled by Ants Artwork.
- Pepparmynta's moly with a circular ant trail.
- Pencil Vs Camera - 39: Ants carrying heart shaped leaves...
- Army Ant: ATC 2.5 x 3.5 inches. marker, colored pencil and ink.
- A self-portrait with markers of a young lady with black ants on her body.
- Metropolis -- Ant's life in the city.
- The cover of The Invasion of the Super-Ants! from Action Comics.
- Ant Covers (contains some nudity) and When Giant Ants Attack! -- Covers of comic books.
- Cover with ants from Lost In Space Robinson #33 Giant Ants
1969 comic.
- Fire Ant as a villain for Villains & Vigilantes.
- A picture of Ants for
- A fire ant cartoon holding a lighted match.
- Ant-iquated: A drawing of an old
ant with a cane. Thanks Dr. Braddock.
- Little Black Ants Monomorium minimum on an open book.
- Calvin and Hobbes comic strips: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, and #8.
- Blue Ant cyberpunk bar @ INSILICO.
- An ant reference in
FoxTrot's comic strip (1/13/2003) on a violent video game, Grand Theft Auto Vice City. Thanks Blue.
- Blank Journal : Honey Ant Dreaming : Julie Paige.
- A comic strip showing two red ants setting up for an accident.
- After Y2K!: A geek with tingling ants.
- Giant Ant People comic from Cup of Suffering. Thanks Mousey.
- Angry Flower and the Ants cartoon strip.
- A cartoon showing two giant red mechanical ants terrorising a city. Thanks The Drawing Room.
- Ants Revenge cartoon.
- A drawing of "Do ants dance?".
- A cartoon of a giant red ant hurting a man.
- Shagg E. Dawg, Ph. D. answer ant questions with amusing cartoons.
- Duncan Weller - The Love Ant paintings.
- Leaf-cutter Ants image (3324 by 4696 pixels; 1.1 MB; Thumbnail size) by Mick Usher.
- An Tiffany Bozic artwork from show 'Unraveled' - January 2004.
- The Ant Car.
- A thread/discussion with two animated walking red ants (one
with an apple and one without) made by an user.
- A cartoon of a green ant
with a computer and bucket of money. From STQE magazine (Volume 4, Issue 2; March/April 2002 issue).
- A cute animated GIF of a purple ant greeting viewers. Thanks Stallion.
- Westwood Studios' Command & Conquer Red Alert Aftermath addon has secret missions with ants. A screen shot of the title screen.
- Stamps: #1 (Thanks
Purple Armadillo), #2, #3, #4, #5,
#6, #7, #8,
#9, and #10.
Orderable and more from here.
- Black Ant Army Stickers" on Boing Boing.
- Ruminations of Order with ants.
- Ant with Acorn -- A woodcut print.
- A cartoon showing ants carrying a sandwich with Dagwood on it. Scroll down to TerraBits section.
- Just Another Day (Leaf-Cutting Ants): An original Chinese Calligraphic; 35x61cm Costa Rica, 1984.
- Ant in Japanese Style (Sumi).
- Ant Farm Bong: A photograph of a cool artwork.
- #1, #2, #3, and #4: Ant artworks outside of a window still.
- The Invasion of the GIANT ANTS -- a small sculpture exhibit located outside a mall on West Nanjing Road (just west of the intersection with Huashan Road in Shanghai.
- Giant ants from from the Falls of the Ohio.
- Grafitti photo(graph)s with ants: Keizer's Ants from Egypt | Occupy 2012.#1 (local copy), #2, #3 (thanks Pigeon), #4, #5, and #6 (thanks Pigeon).
- 3 murals of ants on a brick wall.
- Black ants on walkway/sidewalk: #1, #2, #3, and #4.
- An ant's life: Explaining anthropology through arthropods: Two art works that take on politics and society.
- Wild About Ants show two photographs/photos. of coloful sidewalk ants.
- Art on Lark in Albany, New York/NY, on 6/27/2009.
- Ant Farm Bong on a wall.
- Two orange ants on a pole.
- Stencils: from Barcelona, Spain, Z, 3 Ant Riot, and Ballad's Ant.
- Jane Butler's chalk drawings of an ant.
- This Brickshelf Gallery shows a "happy couple having a picnic on top of an ant farm".
- Through The Hills created for K-Play Plus Tag-N-Jump game.
- Play with ants and sweet liquid group for a bunch of photographs/photos.
- Female Trouble image to accompany an essay...
- Ant Business Card for Disinfectant Branko Havel: Ant Business Card for Disinfectant Branko Havel: both sides, front (#1 and #2) and back.
- Rome Ants
- July 4th/Independence Day Invitation Greeting Card with ants and a watermelon slice.
- More cartoons (e.g., screen captures from television/TV
shows and movies) can be found in The Reading Room and this long forum
Cards with Ants:
Rendered/Computer Graphic Images (CGI) and Video Clips:
Wire-frame, Sculptures of Ants, and Decorations:
- Ant Bicycle Stand. Thanks Tarzan (remove AQFL to e-mail) and Reddit..
- La Philie's china sets with ants. Seen on Fine Dining Lovers.
- "Art Street La Fourmi" Mosaic.
- Serious formication near the Stadtgarten in Sankt Gallen: #1 and #2.
- Outdoor Iron Ants: #1, #2, and #3.
- One-Horned Ant -- "A model ant spins in the Rhizotron..."
- Tart -- Ants on an hand built porcelain human's mouth.
- Leafcutter Ants outside of National Geographic Museum.
- Silicone Ants Promotion.
- Dinosaur ant sculpture armature in Poochera roadhouse, South Australia.
- The
Citrus Report has an article titled "Gómezbarros Invades
Public Structures -- Sculptor Rafael Gómezbarros has been
invading public structures with his army of ant sculptures since 2007.
The traveling project titled "Casa Tomada," (Seized House), swarms
architectural facades and buildings with thousands of oversized ants. Ants invade Colombian Congress in an unique art display. Those
were in the past. Casa Tomada Rafael Gomezbarro shows more locations.
- Wesley Fleming's
Formicidae made out of Effetre glass. Also on Flickr.
- Vinter 2018 -- Decoration, ant, silver color, 5 " (13 cm). Tarzan.
- 3'/Three Feet Metal Ants Sculptures at The Berkshire Museum.
- Metal Souls have a few.
- Metal Ants: The whole colony candle and incense holders.
- Ants In The Jamm: These FAB FOUR are tinny and tuneless, played for the queen and are available as a group or as soloists.
- Ants on/in buildings:
- Airport's Web site (more shots: #1 and #2) -- A swarm of 16-inch-long red ants marches silently over Delta Air Lines international baggage carousel at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
Also, black
ants at baggage claim.
- Printed Ant Tape -- "Traditional masking tape, printed with ants..."
- Ant decals/pantings on floor in Florida State University
(FSU)'s biology building.
- A black and white (B&W) photograph/photo. of an ant trail inside a building.
- Ant Trail With Building Pieces Like Leaves: #1, #2, and #3.
- Photo(graph)s of ants on a building (#1, #2, and #3) on Queen Street.
- Fake dead ants: Following, Ants Zoo, Side View, Ants Surreal, and Ant Trophy.
- Five giant black ants on a wall.
- Black ants on a museum exterior wall.
- Fourmis on a colored building wall.
- #1 and #2 -- Shot with a Lensbaby Composer on Philadelphia's famed South Street...
- Ants on the Stair in its hallway.
- A Beautiful, Old Bronze
Ant that is 3" long, 6.5" tall, and about 7" wide.
- Virtual Globethrotting found a Google
Streetview photograph/photo. of an white ant in Descartes, France.
- "Who's Your Daddy? Phyll never did like that ant, except as a meal." -- Sculptures of a praying mantis eaitng an ant: #1, #2, and #3.
- Silver Ant Chain: 3' handmade whimsical ant chain.
- 3 Metal Ants by Youngtown Metal Works (10" long and 4.5" high; Two
are a bronze brown motley color and one is black).
- Igor's metallic ant on a guy's hand and arm.
- Leafcutter Ant -- Effetre glass, about 3.5" x 2.5" x 1.5". Thanks Myrmecos.
- Hotdog Ant Furnance and soft glass.
- Giant Ant Sculpture taken by antfoxuk in Hartford Connecticut, USA (October 2001).
- Gigo Ant: #1,
#2, and
#3 from Chicago in 2002. Its caption said: "Surely these ants with their disproportionate size and strength will rise up and kill us."
- Queen Ant Whirligig Close Up.
- University of Southern Maine (USM)'s art gallery with leaf-cutter ants: #1,
and #3 -- "Putting egos aside four artists work collaboratively to
visually re-create the complex social structures of leafcutter ants."
- Crocheted Ants.
- Quilts: "We've
Not Seen Lines of Ants Before", and picnic ants.
- Worker Ant Set -- 2001, Steel, 22" x 5" x 4".
- Steel giant ants invaded Barber Motorsport Museum and Racetrack.
- Ants as decoration on top of
the rock mound in the little pond.
- An ant decoration for Halloween 2003.
- Indie Fixx shares some Ant Etsy finds like clothes, plates, cards, etc.
- Giant red ants on the top of a wall.
- Pro Hart's object
decorated with ants. Also, The Ant
dedicated to the miners of Broken Hill.
- Egg Carton Ants -- A kid-friendly art craft activity to make
big ants. Seen on Examiner's Rainy Day Picnic.
More Ad(vertisement)s:
- 30 Adorable Ant Logo For Your Inspiration.
- Graphics of ants and eaters.
- Zazzle sells a lot of items with ant designs like "The Day Ant Pile Stood Still".
- Ant stuff on Etsy:
Buy and sell handmade things. Seen in The
Ant Room.
- "Anthill Art -
Casts of Ant Colonies Using Molten Aluminum." Thanks skarabas.
- Ants In My Pants -- Stuff with ants.
- The Microsoft IQ Test in Wired Magazine (Issue 11.07 - July 2003).
Images: #1 and #2.
- Hive Mind -- an emergent metaphor.... ants creating a cortex in the sugar jar...
- MegaAnt built by computer parts.
- An ant chair.
- An Ant Bike Rack.
- Ant farm projection over ductwork -- Black ant paintings.
- Ant made out of rocks.
- Ant paintings on dumpsters at an alleyway?
- Switchplate Cover With Ants for lights or whatever
in the room.
- Laura Zindel Design's Housewares With Ants.
- Black ants on two pillows: "Eight adorable ants are appliqued onto light green microsuede fabric, all marching in a line."
- A red telephone with black ants.
- Ant Graffitis: #1
and #2.
- Ant Didge: A didgeridoo with a stream of ants on a moebius strip which extends from end to end of the piece.
- An an ant tile out of modelling clay.
Thanks tetramorium.
- A picture of black ants invading a
Snicker candy bar.
- Stitcher Scribbler/Jenny's ant farm embroidery.
- Ant Tattoos:
Several, arm/leg, another foot, back with a hole, an ant
bracelet, an ant trail with a nest hole,
leaf-cutters including a weed, more, and even more.
- An 8.25 minutes YouTube video showing a picnic tablecloth and ants design for finger nails from Robin Moses' Nail-art.
- Ant Insectogram: A crop circle in Henwood, Hampshire.
- Origamis of an ant: #1, #2,
#4, #5,
#6, #7,
and #8.
- Oriental Trading has ants.
- Arts Fresco brings in a record crowd.
- DV ANT RT: Chrome
title with an ant.
- Search on Getty Images for ants. Some are surrealistic.
- Ant Hill -- Wrapping papers with an ant hill and ants.
- ASCII/Text Art (Updated: 4/15/2023) and an ANSI art at 2400 dial-up modem speed animation.
- The popular HamsterDance parody with ants (music included): Amazing Ants Picnic Dance!
- Ant Emojis. Also, an entomologist rates ant emojis (Thanks Thule.)
- Download Ant's Icons
(2KB; 3/9/2001). A screen
shot of Ant's Windows XP
- Ant on Leaf image made on an Apple iPhone using its Brushes application.
- Download Ants Pile TrueType Font file. Thanks Zanti Agent.
- Downloadable and printable coloring pages with ants from Ask A Biologist:
Ant Picnic, Ant Life Cycle, and Ant Anatomy.
- #16: Ants Tsuba for Katanas.
- Pink Knitted Ant: #1 and #2.
Many more can be found from Internet searches with Google image search, Flickr, etc.